Staff & Ministry
Ava Koebel
Norma de Waal Malefyt
Senior Minister | Email
On October 22, 2017, Rev. Dr. Steven D. Pierce was installed as our tenth senior pastor. His faithful leadership and preaching help us grow to be more like Christ and motivate us to love God and those around us. We are blessed by his attentive pastoral care and active involvement in the community. In addition, Pastor Steve serves as the president of consistory (the church’s governing board of elders and deacons) and as a member of the executive committee for The North Grand Rapids Classis (RCA). He previously served on the Reformed Church in America’s Commission on History (2017-2023).
Prior to coming to Central, Pastor Steve served Reformed churches in New York and Ohio, including The Community Reformed Church at Manhasset, New York; Marble Collegiate Church in New York City; and New Hope Church in Powell, Ohio. Raised in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, he is a graduate of Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky (B.A. in Theology) and Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan (M.Div 2003; D.Min 2013).
The church, for Steve, is a place where we experience God in and through relationships. As a community of faith, we come to know that we belong to God and to one another, where we are equally valued and loved, and sent into the world to love and serve others. Steve serves the local community by volunteering with the Grand Rapids Police Department, mentoring elementary students through Kids Hope USA, and serving as a guest preacher at neighboring retirement communities.
Steve’s wife, Monica Schaap Pierce, is executive director for Christian Churches Together. They have two daughters, Campbell and Leighton, and a son, Graham. As a family, they love to travel, explore the outdoors, read for pleasure, and visit family and friends. They are also the proud owners of their playful, strong-minded, and protective Gordon Setter, Finlay, who regularly teaches valuable life lessons like responsibility, trust, compassion, respect, and patience.
Minister for Congregational Care | Email
Matt is the Pastor for Congregational Care and began in August of 2022. Matt comes to Central after serving at Standale Reformed Church for over 20 years as the Associate Pastor and Student Ministries Director. Matt grew up in Grand Ledge just west of Lansing, attended Hope College, and is a graduate of Northwestern College and Western Theological Seminary.
Matt has a deep love for the church because he believes it is a place to be reminded that we are beloved children of God, and it is also a place for others to learn and be reminded that they, too, are beloved children of God. At its best, the church helps to bring out the God colors and flavors of the word for others to see and taste. When we, as the church, are salt and light, others can delight in the wonders of a loving God.
Matt is married to Jess, who is also an ordained RCA Pastor. Jess works as a Vice President at the Colossians Forum. They have two sons, Will and Eli, who are very involved in sports at Grandville High School.
In Matt’s free time he loves to golf, to head to sporting event particularly in East Lansing (Go Green!), to be outdoors, to listen to music, and go out to dinner with family and friends. In the spring you will find Matt on the sidelines as the JV lacrosse coach at Grandville High School.
Director of Music Ministries | Email | Personal Website
Taemin Han joined Central as director of music ministries in early 2019, after having served First Presbyterian Church in Waterloo, Iowa, for the past seven years as its director of music ministries. Having had the pleasure of serving in various ecumenical settings (Catholic, Episcopal, and Presbyterian) in both Michigan and Iowa, Taemin brings with him a wide range of church music experience. He considers himself a dedicated church musician who advocates education in music through fine singing and emphasizes understanding the history and culture of all music. His goal at Central is to nurture multi-generational music groups to build a strong, musically excellent vision for the future.
Taemin is also an accomplished pianist and music conductor, and has master’s degrees in choral conducting and piano pedagogy (Michigan State University) and piano performance (Eastern Michigan University). Taemin has directed numerous concerts for churches, performing many major sacred works, such as Vivaldi’s “Gloria” and Beethoven’s “Choral Fantasy.” As an active pianist, Taemin enjoys performing with his wife, Miah, also an accomplished pianist and organist. Together, they enjoy performing piano and organ duets for church services and concerts. Visit Taemin’s personal website for more about his work.
Taemin and Miah have two adult children: Grace and Solomon.
Office Coordinator | Email
Ava Koebel-VanderTuin joined the family at Central in April 2023.
Ava was raised as an active member of First Reformed Church in Three Oaks, Michigan. During her teenage years, she was very involved in the nursery program, volunteered in the church office, and designed costumes for the Christmas and Easter pageants. While Ava’s family was Christian Reformed, she attended Trinity Lutheran School through eighth grade.
After high school, Ava attended Grand Valley State University where she majored in Hospitality and Tourism Management with an emphasis in Hotel Systems. After college, Ava spent some time working in event planning, office management, and warehouse management.
Ava met her husband, Jeff VanderTuin, while she was in college and they were married on the pier at Grand Haven on January 1, 2016. Jeff and Ava live in Sand Lake, Michigan, with their daughter Piper and son Evan. The family loves everything outdoors and would probably live outside if it was socially acceptable. Piper raises cattle, pigs, goats, and chickens for 4-H and FFA. Ava is an avid agriculture advocate and spends as much time as possible mentoring youth through Sparta Livestock 4-H club and Cedar Springs FFA.
Principal Organist | Email
Kevin VanderLugt
Maintenance Specialist | ContactJana Trees
Financial Administrator | ContactSteffany Dunker
Faye’s Diner Coordinator | ContactJay Harsevoort
Faye’s Diner Coordinator | ContactDiane Kersjes
Faye’s Diner Coordinator | ContactJennifer Webb
Wedding Host | ContactMark and Sally Bulthuis
Addie's Pantry Co-Directors | Contact