Growing Up in Christ
Helping to grow the next generation’s relationships with Christ is an important part of our mission here at Central Reformed. We want kids to look forward to going to church rather than see it as something they have to do. Children are treated as active and respective members of our congregation, and our youth programming helps to bring traditional teachings into their modern lives. From the youngest to seniors in high school, our programs help foster connections, friendships, and mentorships as they grow and learn together in Christ’s love.
Children from birth to age three are welcome in our nursery beginning at 9:40 a.m. (20 minutes before service) and can stay until 12:15 p.m., which is the end of Sunday morning education. Our nursery is located on the lower level and is staffed by volunteer caregivers who are trained and experienced in working with children. A nursery intern—usually a middle or high schooler from our congregation—is also there to assist each week.
Children & Worship
Children from three years to third grade are welcome to participate in our Children & Worship program. Children sit in on the 10:00 a.m. service in the sanctuary until they are called up to the front for a blessing. They are then walked to the Children & Worship classroom, where they spend the next hour singing songs and exploring Scripture in a way that's easy for them to understand. At 11:30, the children visit with our director of music ministries for thirty minutes of choir. After, they return to the classroom and spend some time playing until Second Hour programming concludes.
4th, 5th, & 6th Graders
Students in fourth, fifth, and sixth grade are invited to join the 4,5,6er program. Every Sunday (except the first of the month), they meet to learn about the Bible, as well as some of the traditions of our historic congregation. They then meet with our director of music ministries, where they will experience the power of singing about God’s word and love while also learning to play some instruments.
Middle Schoolers
Students in 7th, 8th, and 9th grade are invited to take a deeper dive into the Bible every Sunday morning (except for the first of the month) in the middle school classroom. There, they will experience the Scripture, discover the long history of the Bible, and learn to identify and discuss the significance and symbolism found in every passage. These students are also encouraged to join us on Sunday nights for youth group from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
High Schoolers
Students in 10th, 11th, and 12th grade are invited to meet downstairs in the youth room during Second Hour. These students are also encouraged to join us Sunday nights for youth group from 6 to 7:30 p.m. to play games, build community, explore the Bible, and contemplate where God is leading them in their lives.
Children’s Service Opportunities
Educating children about God’s teachings is an important part of growing their faith. But showing them how to take His word and act upon it is essential to their growth as individuals and members of our community. Therefore, we offer abundant opportunities for our children to get involved in ministry throughout the year, including a dedicated Children’s Service Week each summer.