Consistory & Committees

Our consistory is made up of deacons and elders who provide governance and direction as they oversee the life and ministry of our congregation. We also have a number of committees focused on strengthening our church and community, organizing everything from youth and senior programs to property and grounds maintenance, outreach efforts, and educational initiatives.



2025: Patricia Duthler, Jodi MacLean, Helen Phillips

2026: Nancy Hager, Burt VanderLaan

2027: Ruth Brouwer, Kanu Jigo


2025: Paul Bukaweski, Martha Norden Harvey, Ryan Rinvelt

2026: Fritz Gearhart, Ethan Wheeler

2027: Jesse Munroe


  • Property: The care of the building and building decisions

  • CDT: Children’s Discipleship Team- Planning events and curriculum for our children

  • YDT: Youth Discipleship Team- Planning events and curriculum for our youth

  • Second Hour: Oversight and Planning of Education Hour Speakers and Events

  • Earth Angels: Maintains the grounds and the Columbarium Garden

  • Columbarium: Manages the Columbarium Operations

  • CAT: Christian Action Team- Plans and oversees all major outreach activities

  • Music Team: Plans and oversees music ministry and performances Central hosts

  • Hospitality: Welcoming new members to the church through welcome area, coffee
    ministry, and brunches.

  • Teacher In Residence: Oversees this Bible Theology Program

  • Senior Life: Plans luncheons and outings for all 65 and older in the church

  • Care Committee: Tends towards those who need extra support during illness or times of grief.