Adult Education and Spiritual Formation
Through a range of groups, we help connect men, women, and couples to other like-minded individuals looking for support, encouragement, and guidance as they navigate their roles at home, out in the community, and within the church.
Discipleship (Journey)
Members and friends of our church join to deepen their walk with Christ, build community, share concerns, and provide both prayer support and encouragement to one another. Our Journey Groups help us plumb the depths of Christian discipleship and engage practices that will help us grow into spiritual maturity. Together, we discover the significance of growing in Christ and building a stronger faith community. These groups meet from October - May each year.
Sunday Morning Education
Adult learning opportunities are held most Sundays following morning worship from 11:15 a.m. to 12:00/12:15 p.m. From book studies to guest speakers to coffee and conversation or sermon reflection and discussion, Central seeks to bring a variety of perspectives, voices, and stories to the group to help members and visitors alike grow in both faith and understanding of the Gospel message. For more information, please contact the church office at office@centralreformedchurch.org.
Bible Study
Men of all ages meet every Thursday from 10:00-10:45 a.m. in the parlor to discuss the Scriptures and find fellowship. If you wish to join, simply drop by. The group does not meet during Thanksgiving, Christmas, Holy Week, or throughout the summer (June-August).
Women of all ages meet on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in the parlor. You can drop in any week for wonderful conversation and spiritual nourishment facilitated by Jodi MacLean.
Coffee and Conversation & Sermon Discussion
After 10:00 a.m. worship on Sunday mornings, we periodically offer two separate learning opportunities for adults. Coffee and Conversation is designed for folks who enjoy discussing topics that are trending and popular. While the topics may vary widely, the conversations are always deep and stir the imagination for further reflection and discussion.
Sermon Discussion, led by an elder, takes place in the Brander Library (lower level) and welcomes those who would like to further reflect on and discuss the Sunday morning message. Each person is invited to come simply, openly, honestly, just as they are, bringing their wonderments and questions, too.
All of these conversations are a wonderful way to build more friendships and stronger connections.
Teacher in Residence
Jeanette “Jetts” Baas was a teacher and committed lifelong learner. After her passing in 2005, the Teacher in Residence (TIR) ministry was established in Jetts Baas’ memory by a group of adult education committee members to provide lifelong learning and growth for both our church members and for the people in our larger community.
Since 2005, many donors including the Baas family have given funds dedicated to the purpose of inviting an outside teacher to reside with us, to challenge our community, and to keep us growing in faith.
Adult Service Opportunities
Ministry is a focal point of our community at Central Reformed, and we encourage all of those who can to give back and serve others as Christ taught. We have many ways for members to get involved and use their passions to enhance our community, from serving the less fortunate to education and mentoring to clean-up initiatives and more.